Photograph of Yorkville School Classes, 6, 7, and 8. Student list is contained on separate sheet: Back Row: Hazel Wildermuth (Teacher), Peter Hixon, Esther Macomber, Kay Bauman, Carol Baeuerle, Laddie Cunningham. Row 2: (from Back) Jerry Lambert, Bob Boudeman, Ronald Replogle, Susan Helgeson. Row 3: Sandra Mason, Douglas Powell, Joy Stevens, Bert Stevens and Jack Graham. Row 4: Sally Schelb, Gregory Smith, David Powell, Ronald Baas, Elliott Olson. Row 5: Dallas Boudeman, Billy Axel, Mary Flack, Richard Bogema, BetteKay Adams. Row 6: Susan Deyot, Frances Replogle, Joanne Hoogenboom, Sue Schelb, Jack Webster. Row 7: Gloria May Adams, Roger Sefton, Rex Shilts (With Slate), Inara Strupulis, Sandra Willbur, Tony Pate, John Hedlund (Front).
Photograph of Yorkville School Classes, 6, 7, and 8. Student list is contained on separate sheet: Back Row: Hazel Wildermuth (Teacher), Peter Hixon, Esther Macomber, Kay Bauman, Carol Baeuerle, Laddie Cunningham. Row 2: (from Back) Jerry Lambert, Bob Boudeman, Ronald Replogle, Susan Helgeson. Row 3: Sandra Mason, Douglas Powell, Joy Stevens, Bert Stevens and Jack Graham. Row 4: Sally Schelb, Gregory Smith, David Powell, Ronald Baas, Elliott Olson. Row 5: Dallas Boudeman, Billy Axel, Mary Flack, Richard Bogema, BetteKay Adams. Row 6: Susan Deyot, Frances Replogle, Joanne Hoogenboom, Sue Schelb, Jack Webster. Row 7: Gloria May Adams, Roger Sefton, Rex Shilts (With Slate), Inara Strupulis, Sandra Willbur, Tony Pate, John Hedlund (Front).